Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fantastic Four:Rise of the Silver Surfer

The geek that I am causes me to get rather excited and wrapped up in the hype with upcoming Comic Hero movies. The second installment of Fantastic Four was no different.

Unlike many, I quite liked The first Installment, the childish fun was enjoyable & even exciting in parts. The only thing that bugged me was Jessica Alba's Sue, It just didn't seem to work.

I'm happy to say, that although its still iffy, in Silver Surfer, she is a lot more convincing. Maybe it was the hair, I'm not really sure, but she was better.

In complete contrast however I was rather unimpressed with Julian McMahon's portrayal of Victor Von Doom, I believe his performance was a 10th of that in the 1st. Doom is one of the nastiest Marvel Villains, there is so much wealth in that character, it feels like McMahon just threw it away.

Brilliance=The combination of Laurence Fishburne's voice & Doug Jones' movements to create the Silver Surfer. To me the character was believable, exactly how he should have been. These two talented men really pulled it off.

It seems to me that Johnny has been the comic relief as well as the glue that held it all together for both films, he gets all the best lines "I'd hate to wake up one morning and find out she was killed in a rock slide!" This film seems to be as much about him as it is about the Silver Surfer, its about his growth as a hero and a person, it actually has depth. And seeing him take on the others powers, is awesome.

Other highlights:Reed 'Loosening up' at his bachelor party, getting to see the soft side of Ben Grimm, and of course Stan Lees brilliant cameo. "Yeah...Nice try."

And the best quote of the film goes to Alicia (Grimm's love) "Honestly you smell like ash" In reference to knowing Johnny's there even tho she is blind.

But honestly Galactus as a giant cloud!? No way! My flatmate tried to justify it to me as being particles from destroyed planets, but sorry, I don't buy it. However Tim Story once said that he would never have giant robots in any of his movies. Go figure.

Watch for the Silver Surfer spin off coming 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.